
Safety News

Top 5 Ventilation & Cooling Hazards on Underground Mines

Posted by Braydan Willrath at

Mining, as a global industry, is being pushed constantly into more remote and challenging environments. This creates a need for innovative and adaptable methods of ventilation and cooling for the safety of the people that work in the mines.   Temperature levels in underground mines range from extremity-numbing cold to such heat that dehydration can be caused in a matter of minutes by profuse sweating. Mines in Mongolia have to battle temperatures of -40 degrees Celsius while mines in Western Australia often reach into the 50s. The deeper we're required to go for coal, shale and other valuable assets, the...

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The History of the Hard Hat

Posted by Braydan Willrath at

  Hard hats have come a long way since their origins on the battle fields of WWI. Back in those days, the number of construction workers getting killed on the job was a lot higher, owing largely to lax safety regulations and very basic standards of personal protective equipment. There was no such thing as hard hats in the industrial sector. Instead, workers would paint regular hats with tar and leave them in the sun to harden. This heavy, smelly, headpiece would serve as a worker's only line of defense against falling objects and overhead hazards.  In the 1920's, the...

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